18 Rue Rémy Dumoncel, 75014 Paris

+33 (0)1 40 47 92 88

Post an offer and recruit online

Post a job offer and recruit online

Classic offer


Your offer will be published 
on our website and partner sites: annonces-medicales.com, indeed.fr, etc.


300€ before tax
Premium offer 


Your offer will be published

on our website and partner sites: annonces-medicales.com, indeed.fr, etc.

We will contact the suitable candidates in our database.

Your offer will be published
on social networks, such as
Facebook and Linkedin.


500€ before tax
Transfer / lease / sale


Your offer will be published

on our website and partner sites: annonces-medicales.com, indeed.fr, etc.



75€ before tax

Service description

Maximum visibility
for 1 year

Boost your chances for success!

Add a photo
Give your offer a touch of colour!

Unlimited number of lines
Add a detailed description of the
position and its working conditions!

Distribute your offer to a
large network of practitioners

Provide maximum visibility
to your offer thanks to our database
of practitioners looking for opportunities!

Post a job offer on our platform

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    Your job offer